Creativity by E.B. Lewis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The teachers at our school just had a meeting yesterday about what it might be like to follow the rules of culture. We talked about how it might be hard for a student new to our school to know what all of the rules are if we don't teach them. The rules at their last school or home might be very different. This book is a perfect illustration to that. Hector is a boy that is new to the class from Puerto Rico, and Charles a boy in the class gets to know him and helps him figure out how to fit in at his new school. It really spoke to the fact that each school has a different culture of rules and expectations for learning and making friends and the best way to learn those rules is to have a trusted friend help explain them. Sometimes, a book resonates more because of the timing in which you read it. That was definitely the case today!
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