Starling House by Alix E. Harrow
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book is meant for adults, It could definitely be in a high school. I don’t think middle schoolers will be interested. I was captivated about this house and the story the entire time, the writing was exquisite and I could follow the complex story the entire time seamlessly. I was invested in the characters and wanted to solve the mystery right along with them. I loved the complexity of the family dynamics of the brother and sister relationship.  However, at our neighborhood book club, the ending left us all wanting more. Almost like the book needed to wrap up before the author had completed her thoughts? Maybe there should have been a more abrupt ending and a sequel? We couldn’t put our finger on it. 

It’s worth a cozy afternoon with coffee and a fire, but isn’t on the top of the pile of recommendations.

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